The short answer is maybe. The options in order of efficacy: 1. DAO and diet combined, 2. Diet alone, 3. DAO alone. There’s a very good chance the enzyme won’t be effective unless you also restrict your diet.
For me, diamine oxidase (DAO) has been very helpful only in conjunction with a low-histamine diet. From my experience trying to reintroduce foods, I am now positive that DAO alone would have done nothing for me. My dietician confirmed that. On our last call, she said “Even with DAO, you just can’t eat foods that are high in histamine. You just can’t.” Don’t panic, she was talking about me specifically, not everyone, and I’m an extreme case. (The link above will take you to a comprehensive Q & A on histamine intolerance and DAO. This one takes you to everything I’ve written about DAO.)
I’ve heard of a few people benefiting from DAO alone, but almost everyone who finds relief is also on a low-histamine diet. I know it’s a downer. Restricted diets can be a burden, especially at the beginning. It should tell you something that despite being frustrated and annoyed with my diet, I’m still sticking to it. Having times without migraine is just too precious and that only happens for me on the diet and taking DAO.
A few readers have told me DAO has been a magic bullet for them, but most who try it without diet modifications have no success or inconsistent results. Even with the diet and DAO, you may not get relief. If histamine isn’t a major trigger that sets migraine off in your body or gives you headaches, avoiding histamine or taking an enzyme that processes it won’t be of any use. Unfortunately, there’s no blood test or other quick, definitive way to figure out if this is the case for you.
I wish DAO were an easy answer and that the supplement could take the place of a restricted diet. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case for most people. And, unfortunately, it may not work at all for you — that’s just the nature of headache and migraine treatments.
Looking to buy DAO? You can get Histamine Block and Histame
from Amazon. (I’m an Amazon affiliate, so I’ll get a small portion of the sales if you purchase through one of those links. I have no relationship, financial or otherwise, with any company that manufactures or sells DAO.)