30 Things Meme, Society

Your 30 Things Headache Disorder/Migraine Meme

Your response to the 30 Things About My Invisible Illness You May Not Know meme from Invisible Illness Awareness Week last year was so enthusiastic that I’ve adopted and adapted the idea for Migraine and Headache Awareness Month. Since not all headache disorders are the same, I’ve come up with slightly different lists for different types. If you fit multiple categories, you’re welcome to respond all those categories. Links to each set of questions are available at the end of this post.

You can submit your responses to be published on The Daily Headache. Each one will have a unique URL so you can share it any way you’d like. Directions follow. I’ll be highlighting some answers through Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, which starts June 1.

Even if you don’t wish to share your answers, answering them is a helpful way to think about how having a headache disorder has affected your life in both good and bad ways. Filling mine out made me cry happy and sad tears. It also reminded me of the incredible feat of living with a headache disorder, which made me feel proud.

To post your 30 things on The Daily Headache…

  1. Follow the link below to the set of questions you wish to answer.
  2. Enter your name and email address (neither will be published and I promise I won’t send you spam).
  3. Fill in the title field—it can be as simple as “30 Things About Mike’s Life With Chronic Daily Headache.”
  4. Read through the questions
  5. Find the submission form at the bottom of each list of questions.
  6. Copy and paste the questions and your responses into that form.
  7. Before clicking “submit post,” be sure you’ve filled in every field. Your post will not be submitted unless every field is filled in.
  8. Within 24 hours, I will moderate your submission (to prove it’s not spam) and it will be published as an individual post with a URL you can share. Check the 30 Things Meme category for your post then click on your post title to get the URL.

Links to questions…

30 Things About Your Life With Migraine

30 Things About Your Life With Cluster Headache

30 Things About Your Life With New Daily Persistent Headache 

30 Things About Your Life With Chronic Daily Headache

30 Things About Your Life With Tension-Type Headache

30 Things About Your Life With a Headache Disorder

I hope I haven’t made this too complicated in the name of inclusivity! Please let me know if you have any questions. Many thanks to Invisible Illness Awareness Week for this great idea.