
This week at Help My Hurt

Here is a round-up of posts over at Help My Hurt that may be of interest to you:

Marijke has volunteered to keep The Daily Headache running while I’m on vacation. An RN turned writer, her excellent blog is called Help My Hurt. -Kerrie


This week (and last!) over at Help My Hurt

oops, I really dropped the ball last week. I did write out a post as I’d promised I would, but it disappeared. I couldn’t find it in the draft section – it was gone. To tell you the truth, I didn’t have the energy to write another so I let it go. Anyway, Megan found it yesterday. How weird. So, today’s post is the best from Help My Hurt over the past two weeks.

June: Living with Pain Blog Carnival

Heroes actor Jack Coleman spreads the word about women and pain

Poetry to ease the pain? (and a poetry book give-away)

Painful dry mouth from medicationsThis is a great post by a guest poster on how she deals with the horrible “Sahara mouth” as she calls it – caused by her medications.

Traveling and migraines

Children with migraines have higher risk of sleep apnea and other disorders

Pregnancy and migraines

Have chronic pain? You can still have sex.

An extra back pain question answered- This question has to do with migraines and back pain.

Company’s calling – a different type of visitor Serena Wadhwa Psy.D., LCPC, CADC talks about working with people who have chronic pain.

10 things people do when they have pain

FDA Recall: Morphine Sulfate 60 mg Extended Release Tablets – Recall of a Single Lot

Help My Hurt continues to follow Olympic cyclist Kristin Armstrong

Company’s calling – Janine Shepherd

Press Release from NIH about complementary & alternative medicine

Marijke has volunteered to keep The Daily Headache running while I’m on vacation. An RN turned writer, her excellent blog is called Help My Hurt. -Kerrie


This week over at Help My Hurt

Hi all, this week at Help My Hurt, you’ll find a real variety of posts:

FDA reviewing some arthritis drugs

Painful dry mouth from medicationsThis is a great post by a guest poster on how she deals with the horrible “Sahara mouth” as she calls it – caused by her medications.

Traveling and migraines

Angelina Jolie sets a good example – she’s taking care of her feet, reducing foot pain

Tuesday musings

Have chronic pain? You can still have sex.

An extra back pain question answered- This question has to do with migraines and back pain.

Company’s calling – a different type of visitor Serena Wadhwa Psy.D., LCPC, CADC talks about working with people who have chronic pain.

10 things people do when they have pain

Marijke has volunteered to keep The Daily Headache running while I’m on vacation. An RN turned writer, her excellent blog is called Help My Hurt. -Kerrie

Community, Treatment

Recent Posts on Help My Hurt

Hi again, this week posts on Help My Hurt include:

Guest article: Spinal stimulation – a guest writer describes what is involved with spinal stimulation Cynthia

The back expert answers questions – a follow up to the post asking visitors for questions for our back expert

Company’s calling: For Grace’s founder, Cynthia Toussaint speaks out – Cynthia has RDS (CRPS) and talks about her struggles being diagnosed. She’s also the founder of the Women in Pain conference.

I hope that some of these posts are useful. – Marijke


Recent Posts on Help My Hurt

This week’s posts on Help My Hurt include:

Marijke has volunteered to keep The Daily Headache running while I’m on vacation. An RN turned writer, her excellent blog is called Help My Hurt. -Kerrie

From Marijke: Hi folks – I can’t even pretend to take Kerrie’s place here so I’m just minding the fort. If you have any questions, they will be forwarded to me or you can ask me directly at marijke (at) medhealthwriter (dot) com.