30 Things About Your Life With Migraine or a Headache Disorder

What’s it like for you to live with migraine or a headache disorder? The 30 Things meme is a great way to share your experience. To share your answers on The Daily Headache, copy and paste the questions and your response into the submission form at the end of this post.Within 24 hours, I will moderate your submission and it will be published as an individual post with a URL you can share. Check the  the 30 Things Meme category for your post then click on your post title to get the URL.

If you have a blog, you’re welcome to publish the questions and your answers there (but please link to this page).

1. My diagnosis is:
2. My migraine attack or headache frequency is:
3. The first migraine attack or headache I remember was:
4. My pain levels range from:
5. I was diagnosed in:
6. My comorbid conditions include:
7. I take ____ pills each day for prevention and ____ pills to treat an acute attack
8. In addition to pain, other symptoms I experience include:
9. Treatments I have tried include:
10. During a migraine attack or headache, I:
11. My migraine attacks or headaches get worse when:
12. The most frustrating part about having migraine or a headache disorder is:
13. Having migraine or a headache disorder causes me to worry about:
14. When I tell someone I have migraine or a headache disorder, they usually say:
15. When I see ads or articles about migraine or headache disorders, I think:
16. My best coping tools are:
17. I find comfort in:
18. I get angry when people say:
19. I like it when people say:
20. Something kind a person can do for me during a migraine attack or headache is:
21. The best thing a doctor has ever said to me about having migraine or a headache disorder is:
22. Having migraine or a headache disorder has affected my work/school life by:
23. The hardest thing to accept about having migraine or a headache disorder is:
24. Having migraine or a headache disorder has taught me:
25. The quotation, motto, mantra, or scripture that gets me through hard days is:
26. If I could go back to the early days of my diagnosis, I would tell myself:
27. The people who support me most are:
28. The thing I most wish people understood about migraine or headache disorders is:
29. Migraine and Headache Awareness Month is important to me because:
30. One more thing I’d like to say about migraine or my headache disorder is:

To submit your post, complete the form below. You must fill in every field for your submission to go through (your name and email will not be published and I won’t send you spam). Within 24 hours, I will moderate it (to prove it’s not spam) and it will be published as an individual post with a URL you can share. Check the 30 Things Meme category for your post then click on your post title to get the URL. 


If you have trouble with the submission form, please email me at kerrie[at]thedailyheadache[dot]com.

Special thanks to Invisible Illness Awareness Week for the idea for a 30 things meme. Readers were so receptive to the 30 Things About My Chronic Illness meme that I knew we needed something similar for Migraine and Headache Awareness Week.

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