30 Things Meme

30 Things About Vicki’s Migraines

This is a reader-submitted story.

1. My diagnosis is: Chronic Migraine
2. My migraine attack frequency is: It varies; 12-20 days a month; sometimes more, but never less
3. I was diagnosed in: Junior high school; onset of menses
4. My comorbid conditions include: Prediabetes and hypoglycemia
5. I take ___zero_ medications/supplements each day for prevention and ____one medications/supplements to treat an acute attack
6. My first migraine attack was: Over 30 years ago
7. My most disabling migraine symptoms are: Pain; nausea and visual disturbances
8. My strangest migraine symptoms are: Numbness and tingling in my extremities
9. My biggest migraine triggers are: Monthly menstruation; lack of sleep and bright lights and loud noises 10. I know a migraine attack is coming on when: My neck is sore, a dull ache begins in my head or my extremities begin to feel numb and, without exception, every month before my period begins
11. The most frustrating part about having a migraine attack is: My inability to stop it and how it limits my ability to participate in daily life
12. During a migraine attack, I worry most about: How bad the pain will be and how long it will last
13. When I think about migraine between attacks, I think: How long before the next one
14. When I tell someone I have migraine, the response is usually: Understanding and concern
15. When someone tells me they have migraine, I think: Do you really?
16. When I see commercials about migraine treatments, I think: Will they benefit me? I am having my first Botox treatment for migraine tomorrow morning!
17. My best coping tools are: Rest, a dark room and Maxalt!
18. I find comfort in: Maxalt! And knowing that no matter how bad the pain is, my head is not, like I used to think, just going to explode and I will die!
19. I get angry when people say: Again, really?
20. I like it when people say: Can I do anything to help? and Go lay down, I’ll take care of everything
21. Something kind someone can do for me during a migraine attack is: Just let me do what I need to do to get through it
22. The best thing(s) a doctor has ever said to me about migraine is: Your MRI is clear, you do not have MS like I first suspected
23. The hardest thing to accept about having migraine is: The feeling of helplessness and no definitive reason why
24. Migraine has taught me: I am very lucky, my condition is manageable
25. The quotation, motto, mantra, or scripture that gets me through an attack is: That which does not kill us makes us stronger
26. If I could go back to the early days of my diagnosis, I would tell myself: This is going to be one of many crosses to bear, be grateful you are still around to bear them all
27. The people who support me most are: My husband, children and my best friend
28. The thing I most wish people understood about migraine is: YES, it hurts that bad!
29. Migraine and Headache Awareness Month is important to me because: It helps me feel validated about my condition; it is an important and REAL condition
30. One more thing I’d like to say about life with migraine is: It is a very emotional condition. It can take its toll mentally and rob you of everyday moments. But, as frustrated and helpless as I sometimes feel, I never stop looking for ways to improve my quality of life, reduce my number of headache days per month, or express gratitude that my condition is not life threatening or terminal. So many people face tragedy and life changing diagnoses on a daily basis.

MHAMgiveawayReader-submitted stories solely represent the personal point of view, experience, and opinion of the author, not of The Daily Headache or Kerrie Smyres. Follow this link to learn how to share YOUR 30 Things about living with a headache disorder.

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