Meds & Supplements, Resources, Treatment

Great Price on Sumatriptan (Imitrex) at Health Warehouse

HealthWarehouse, a licensed U.S. pharmacy based in Kentucky, charges even less for sumatriptan than Inhouse Pharmacy Europe, which I told you about last week. Bonus: it’s entirely legit and there’s no question if it’s legality, though you’ll need to send them a prescription.

I’ve ordered other meds from Health Warehouse and have been pleased with the service. The prices are low and shipping is prompt. The only drawback is that they don’t take manufacturer’s coupons.

Wherever you buy sumatriptan, you can try to simulate the effect of Treximet by taking naproxen sodium (Aleve) along with it. (See paragraph five of Save Money on Sumatriptan (Imitrex/Imigran/Treximet) for details.) Some people find mixing their own medication cocktail is as effective as Treximet, others swear by the all-in-one Treximet. It’s worth a try to save money, but be sure to let your doctor know what you’re up to — safety is even more important than frugality!

Thanks to The Daily Headache reader on Facebook who told me about HealthWarehouse’s price on sumatriptan. And thanks to Timothy who suggested asking your doctor for triptan samples at every visit and thanking them profusely for them. He also pointed out that if you take a low dose of a medication, you can ask your doctor to write a prescription for a higher dose and split the pill in half. This doesn’t work with every medication (some have a time-release coating, others aren’t tablets, others don’t come in a dose that’s easily halved, etc.), but it’s something to ask your doctor about.

If you know any other sources for good prices on sumatriptan — or any other meds! — please leave a comment. Your help is invaluable to me and to other readers as well.

4 thoughts on “Great Price on Sumatriptan (Imitrex) at Health Warehouse”

  1. Kerrie:

    Want to thankyou for info on InHouse Pharmacy Europe-
    was able to order without any complications. Order came
    within 10 days.

    Timothy from Reno

  2. Thanks, Timothy. I needed that today!

    Margaret, sometimes a triptan that was once effective becomes less effective over time. If the naproxen “boost” doesn’t work with sumatriptan, it might be time to try something new. Fortunately, other triptans are available as generic now, though none are quite as inexpensive as sumpatriptan.


  3. Thanks for the great tips! I didn’t know about mixing sumatriptan with naproxen sodium to make treximet. That might work better for me because sumatriptan only takes the edge off my the migraine’s lately.

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